
NGOs call for Russia’s suspension from UN Human Rights Council

The request was made in a letter sent to the Member States of the United Nations by 49 human rights organizations from different countries

Sala do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU Sala do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU

In an open letter, 49 civil society organizations from different countries called on the United Nations General Assembly to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council for committing human rights violations during the invasion of Ukraine. Conectas is one of the signatories of the document. 

According to the NGOs, Russia is committing widespread and systematic violations of international human rights law. This includes violations of the rights to life, self-determination, liberty and security of person; freedom of movement, expression, association and assembly; freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy and the home; protection of the family; and the rights to health, housing, education, sanitation and water. All this, they say, violates the principles of the United Nations. 

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The Human Rights Council is a body created by the Member States of the United Nations for the purpose of expanding the protection of human rights around the world. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the body discusses human rights abuses and violations around the world in order to expose the violators and demand change.

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