
At the Senate, organizations warn of the dangers of a draft bill to broaden the definition of terrorism

In a public note sent to parliamentarians, civil society stresses that broadening the term could lead to repression at legitimate demonstrations

Sessão Deliberativa do Plenário da Câmara (foto: Agência Câmara de Notícias Sessão Deliberativa do Plenário da Câmara (foto: Agência Câmara de Notícias

Over ten civil society organizations, including Conectas, have expressed concern over the Senate´s  vote on draft bill of law 3283/2021 which proposes changes to the Anti-terrorism Act. On Wednesday [12] it was on the verge of being passed by the House.

According to the organizations that signed the note, the category “civil disorder” in draft bill PL 3283/2021 is set out in a generic, broad and imprecise way, which could allow for repression at legitimate demonstrations.

“The wide-ranging nature of the term “civil disorder” flies in the face of international human rights standards and, essentially, implies an easing of rights and constitutional guarantees”, it says in the document. 

In 2016, following pressure by civil society, the item that made demonstrations of “political ideologies” subject to being classified as an act of terrorism, was removed from the bill on which the current Anti-terrorism Act was based. However, the debate has arisen again following episodes of insurgency on 8 January, and now includes the classification of “civil disorder” as being synonymous with terrorism. 

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