
Article: Should Military Justice be extinguished? YES

Read the opinion article that reflects on the trials of the Military Justice in Brazil

Fachada do edifício sede do  Superior Tribunal de Justiça (Foto: Marcello Casal Jr./Ag Brasil) Fachada do edifício sede do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (Foto: Marcello Casal Jr./Ag Brasil)

Find the opinion article signed by Daniel Sarmento, lawyer and professor of constitutional law; and Gabriel Sampaio; coordinator of the program to Combat Institutional Violence at Conectas.

Published on Friday (2nd September) by the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, the text talks about the judgment powers of the Brazilian Military Justice. The article is published shortly after a military policeman –filmed stepping on the neck of a black woman– is acquitted.

“Experience has shown that Military Justice is often lenient and corporatist when it tries military personnel for crimes related to human rights violations, but tends to be bias and  harsh when the defendants are civilians accused of committing military crimes,” the experts say in the article. 

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