
Vladimir Herzog Award names finalists for 42nd edition

The winners will be announced on Saturday, October 17, at 10 am in a public event

The organizing committee of the 42nd Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights on Wednesday, October 7, released the list of finalists for the 2020 edition of the award.

The selection of the winners will occur at 10 am on Saturday, October 17, in a virtual setting (to be announced) that will be open to the public. For the first time, on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony will be staged remotely, on October 25.

The 42nd edition had a record number of registrations: 1,060 productions, divided into six categories (art, photography, text, video, audio and multimedia).

Ana Luisa Zaniboni, director of the Oboré communication agency and curator of the award, defended the importance of the initiative, despite the adverse conditions imposed by the worldwide health crisis. “The press plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing human rights and democracy. The award is a manifestation by organized civil society that wants to send this message. It reminds journalists that they are not alone.”

“The press is present and vital for society. The reporting on today’s world, in large part, is done by the traditional, alternative and peripheral media,” she added.

In the 42nd edition, two of the finalists are directors of Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism). Amanda Rossi is competing for the award for best written journalism with the article “A violência da lama” (The violence of the mud), published in the magazine Piauí. Daniel Camargos is a candidate in the same category, for the series of reports “Por dentro do fogo” (Inside the fire), and also in the multimedia category, with the special report “Ameaças, milícia e morte: a nova cara do Velho Chico” (Threats, militia and death: the new face of Old Chico) – both productions are available on the website of Repórter Brasil.

Among the finalists, two reports received a special mention at Abraji’s 15th Investigative Journalism Conference. “A mão invisível da milícia” (The invisible hand of the militia), produced by Igor Mello and Lola Ferreira, and “Em 2019, uma em cada três pessoas assassinadas no Rio de Janeiro foi morta por policiais (In 2019, one in every three people murdered in Rio de Janeiro was killed by the police), by Mônica Reolom and team, were presented in the Behind the Scenes of Reporting session of the conference.

The winners of the award will participate, on October 24, in a virtual conversation circle about their reports.

See the finalists below:


Infernopolis / Hell City (link)
Cartoon published by Laerte Coutinho in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

E daí? / So what? (link)
Cartoon published by Duke on the website dom total.

Máquina de Moer Preto / Grinder of Blacks (link)
Illustration by Amanda Miranda for the report on the website of The Intercept Brasil.

Charge Continuada / Rolling Cartoon (link)
Intervention in support of the cartoonist Reinaldo Aroeira conceived by Luís Carlos Augusto dos Santos on Instagram.

Choram Marias e Clarices no solo do Brasil… / Marias and Clarices weep on Brazil’s soil…(link)
Rafael Alves was nominated for the cover of the newspaper Estado de Minas in tribute to Aldir Blanc.

Desenhamos fatos / We draw facts (link)
Luiz Fernando Menezes published a series of cartoons on the website of the news agency Aos Fatos.

O foco / The focus (link)
Cartoons published by Quinho in the electronic version of the newspaper Correio Braziliense.


Culturas em conflito / Cultures in conflict
Photography by Joedson Alves for the news agency EFE.

Amazônia Pede Socorro / Amazon calls for Help
Photography by Bruno Kelly for the news agency Reuters

Um rio poluído no quintal de casa / A polluted river in the backyard
Photography by Michael Dantas for Agence France Presse (AFP).

Durante crise da Covid-19, mais de 30% dos óbitos ocorrem em casa em Manaus / During the Covid-19 crisis, more than 30% of deaths occur at home in Manaus
Photography by Yan Boechat for the newspaper O Globo.

Sombra da pandemia / Shadow of the pandemic
Photography by Michael Dantas for the newspaper O Globo.

Na mira / In the crosshairs (link)
Photography by Gabriela Biló for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

Presidente Viral / Viral President (link)
Photography by Gabriela Biló for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

Audio journalism

Eu espero que você não esqueça / I hope you don’t forget (link)
Episode of the radio CBN podcast “Vozes: Histórias e Reflexões” (Voices: Stories and Reflections) produced by Gabriela Viana and team.

Procura-se afeto / Seeking affection (link)
Episode of the radio CBN podcast “Vozes: Histórias e Reflexões” (Voices: Stories and Reflections) produced by Gabriela Viana and team.

Brumadinho – Seis Meses Depois / Brumadinho – Six months later (link)
A special series of reports by Gabriela Mayer for the BandNews FM radio network.

As histórias de Mercedes Baptista, Consuelo Rios, Bethania Gomes e Ingrid Silva / The stories of Mercedes Baptista, Consuelo Rios, Bethania Gomes and Ingrid Silva (link)
Episode of the Negra Voz (Black Voice) podcast by Tiago Rogero for the newspaper O Globo.

Mulheres e suas lutas em cada canto do Brasil / Women and their struggles in every corner of Brazil (link)
Production by Raquel Baster and Joana Suarez on the Cirandeiras podcast.

Memórias 6: Irmã Dorothy / Memories 6: Sister Dorothy (link)
Sixth episode of the Memories series by Rodrigo Alves for the Vida de Jornalista (Life of a Journalist) podcast.

Confinamento: 3 meses depois / Confinement: 3 months later (link)
Episode of the Finitude podcast produced by Juliana Dantas. 

A Terra é redonda / The Earth is round (link)
Podcast produced by Bernardo Esteves and team for the magazine Piauí and the podcast producers Rádio Novelo.

Video journalism

As faces do racismo / The faces of racism (link)
Tábata Poline and team produced the video report for the Globo Minas television channel’s Rolê nas Gerais show.

Os defensores da floresta / The defenders of the forest (link)
Report produced by Alan Graça Ferreira and team for the Rede Globo television channel’s Fantástico show.

Brasil – Terra de Quem? (Capítulo 01 – Indígenas) / Brazil – Whose Land? (Chapter 01 – Indigenous)
First episode of CNN Brazil’s documentary series produced by Adriana Farias and team.

Amazônia 2019 / Amazon 2019
Coverage of the Amazon in 2019 by Rafael Norton and team for the Globo television network.

Cacau: a Escravidão no Século XXI / Cocoa: Slavery in the 21st Century
Documentary by Marcelo Menezes and team for Record TV television channel’s Câmera Record program.

Em 2019, uma em cada três pessoas assassinadas no Rio de Janeiro foi morta por policiais / In 2019, one in every three people murdered in Rio de Janeiro was killed by the police (link)
Report by Mônica Reolom and team for the Rede Globo television channel’s Fantástico show.

Multimedia journalism

A mão invisível da milícia / The invisible hand of the militia (link)
Report by Igor Mello and Lola Ferreira for the website UOL.

Ameaças, milícia e morte: a nova cara do Velho Chico / Threats, militia and death: the new face of Old Chico (link)
Daniel Camargos and team produced the special report for the website Repórter Brasil.

Arsenal Global / Global Arsenal (link)
Special report by Cecilia Olliveira and Leandro Demori for The Intercept Brasil.

Amazônia Sem Lei / Lawless Amazon (link)
Series of reports by Thiago Domenici and team for the Pública agency.

Simulação mostra quais crianças são adotadas (e quais não são) no Brasil / Simulation shows which children are adopted (and which are not) in Brazil (link)
Multimedia data analysis from the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo produced by Augusto Conconi and team.

650 mil famílias se declaram ‘povos tradicionais’ no Brasil / 650,000 families declare themselves to be ‘native peoples’ in Brazil (link)
Paula Paiva Paulo and team produced this special report for the television channel G1 Goiás.

Suape pelo Avesso / Suape Inside Out (link)
File produced by Laércio Portela and team based on reports from the independent journalism group Marco Zero Conteúdo.

Elas por Elas / Women by Women (link)
Juliana Contaifer and team produced this multimedia special for the news website Metrópoles.

Carros-Fortes, Homens Indefesos / Armored Cars, Defenseless Men (link)
Olivia Meireles and team produced this multimedia report for the news website Metrópoles.

Fome ameaça indígenas em Minas antes do coronavírus / Famine threatens indigenous people in Minas Gerais before coronavirus (link)
The report published on the website of the Colabora Project was produced by Joana Suarez and team.

Written journalism

Por dentro do fogo (série de reportagens) / Inside the fire (series of reports) (link)
Daniel Camargos and team produced this series of reports for the website Repórter Brasil.

Fragmentos de vida e morte / Fragments of life and death (link)
Report written by Amanda Rossi for the magazine Piauí.

Como morre um inocente no Rio de Janeiro / How an innocent man dies in Rio de Janeiro (link)
Rafael Pinto Soares wrote the article for the magazine Época.

Histórias de Consciência / Stories of Conscience (link)
Carmen Souza and team produced this series of reports for the newspaper Correio Braziliense.

FBI e a Lava-Jato (série Vaza Jato) / FBI and Car Wash (Car Wash Leaks series) (link)
Reports produced by Natalia Viana and team, in partnership with the Pública agency and The Intercept Brasil.

Exclusivo: A desastrosa Operação do Exército que levou à morte de Evaldo Rosa / Exclusive: The disastrous Army Operation that led to the death of Evaldo Rosa (link)
Natalia Viana and team produced this report for the Pública agency.

Guerra da Água / Water War (link)
Special report by Patrik Camporez for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

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