
Rights of indigenous peoples

Organizations condemn government proposal on indigenous lands

Brasília - Índios fazem manifestação em frente ao Palácio do Planalto (Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil) Brasília - Índios fazem manifestação em frente ao Palácio do Planalto (Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

The federal government has submitted a “Proposal for Regulating the Demarcation of Indigenous Lands” without any dialogue or consultation with society or the affected peoples. Civil society organizations have issued a statement condemning the proposal since they believe that it runs counter to legislation and case law and that it will prevent the resolution of existing conflicts.

The organizations list in the statement 10 reasons to oppose the government’s proposal, one being that it disrespects the Constitution of 1988 by ignoring the original right that indigenous peoples have to their lands and natural resources. Another reason given is that it conflicts with the recommendations made to Brazil by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as a recent Resolution of the European Parliament.

“We hope that this proposal will be definitively shelved and that initiatives will be taken to fulfill the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples to their traditional lands as determined by our Constitution, other legislation in effect and international human rights principles,” say the organizations in the statement.

The document was signed by Conectas and another 135 organizations, networks, movements and other groups.

  • Click here to read the statement in full.

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