
Why does Conectas work with international issues and foreign policy if there are so many problems right here in Brazil?

It is because Brazil is part of an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. Violations that occur against Haitian migrants in the interior of Acre, for example, can only be effectively dealt with by means of measures based on relevant entities as the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, USA, and the Council Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as in liaison with partner organizations in Port-au-Prince, Haiti itself, and actions involving border countries such as Peru and Bolivia. Since its foundation, Conectas has strengthened connections between human rights organisations in the Global South through a major international colloquium and the publication of an international magazine called SUR, distributed to more than 100 countries. As every international problem is rather a local problem for some community, this coordinated action across borders is fundamental. Thus, the actions developed at the domestic level by the Justice system are conducted in synergy with the work carried out by the Foreign Policy and Human Rights programme, functioning as integrated and complementary areas, never exclusive.

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