
Sur Journal receives contributions for its 31st edition

The next edition of the publication focusing on human rights will feature five formats and targeting human rights in the era of the pandemic

Conectas Human Rights, in partnership with the Data Privacy Brasil Research Association, will  select articles, essays, case studies, institutional reflections and artistic pieces for the 31st edition of Sur – International Journal of Human Rights. Check out the call for papers with this link

The 31st edition has as its theme “Human rights in the context of the pandemic: impacts and responses” which will be further divided into three sub-themes: “The Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on human rights”;  “Indigenous groups, black/Afro-descendant communities, climate justice and the environment at large” as well as “Surveillance and security”.

The deadline for submission of contributions is the 30th of  August, 2021. All files should be sent to this e-mail: artigo.sur@conectas.org.  Contributions are welcomed in English, Portuguese and Spanish  and must be between 7,000 to 20,000 words, including  spaces and characters.

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