
Event to debate seven years of the Law on Access to Information

Activity organised by seven civil society organisations will take place on Thursday 16 May at 7pm, at FGV-SP

On Thursday 16, the date when the Law on Access of Information became effective seven years ago, seven civil society organisations are holding an event entitled “Transparência a Sete Chaves” (Transparency under Lock and Key), in São Paulo. The seminar is free and will be held at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo (R. Itapeva, 432), from 7pm to 10pm.

In order to participate subscribe using the online form up to noon on the 16th.

Twice during the evening, participants and speakers will debate progress and setbacks in information access in Brazil, from 2012 until now. At the end everybody will be invited to suggest ways of improving and defending this right. The programme is a draft and is subject to guests confirming attendance.

As fundamental players in the development and approval of the Law on Access to Information, the organisations holding the event – Artigo 19, Abraji, Conectas Human Rights, Instituto de Governo Aberto, Open Knowledge Brasil, Rede Pela Transparência e Participação Social (RETPS) and Transparência Brasil – consider keeping the debate on state transparency alive in the public arena, to be essential.

“In a scenario like the current one, with frequent setbacks in public transparency and in compliance with the Law of Access, it is urgent and important to unite society around this subject and to develop strategies to deal with this, based on facts and dialogue.” According to Conectas.


7pm to 8pm – 7 years on, what is working and what is not working in information access?

Several analyses and studies on information access in Brazil in recent years will be presented (active and passive transparency, accessibility of information and concealed transparency).

Artigo 19 – “e-sic + sigilos” report, the result of a partnership with Instituto Governo Aberto and ICV
Abraji – Partial results of the report on the use of the Law on Access to Information by journalists
Transparência Brasil – Report on the efficiency of requests under this law at the local level and impact on social control by citizens
Open Knowledge – JUSTA
Fiquem sabendo – how to handle negative feedback on this law
RETPS – Report on compliance with this law at the state level
Federal Controller-General in São Paulo – Bottlenecks and solutions in information access

8pm to 9pm – Challenges for information access: confidentiality versus privacy

At this point, the main debates on the subject of confidentiality and privacy in the current scenario, will be presented, showing cases where access to information was violated and setbacks were seen.

Rafael Zanatta – An overview of the General Data Protection Law
Fernanda Campagnucci – Confidentiality and privacy from the perspective of the Law of Access to Information
Mediator: Camille Moura

9pm to 10pm – How to react to setbacks and to work towards improving the law?

Lastly, the public will be asked to participate in the discussion on ideas to improve and implement the Law of Access to Information and the work of civil society in reacting to setbacks.

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