
Check out the list of projects selected for the 4th Ideas Fair

Event, held in honour of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on 16 at Sesc Pompeia.

Conectas and Sesc Pompeia announce the list of projects selected for the 4th Ideas Fair to be held on Sunday 16th in Sao Paulo. Opening time is 2pm. The event is open to the public and is supported by the British Embassy.

This year’s edition is in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It consists of 27 projects, 8 of which are the work of invited organisations. The pieces of work are divided into the following categories: monographs, books, photography, arts, multimedia, short films and pamphlets.

Eighty nine entries were received between 22 November and 2 December.

See below a list of all the projects that were selected and invited, by category:


Movimento Atuar
Organisation: Casa Flores

Human Rights Observation Project in Schools: an Experiment in Human Rights Education
Organisation: NEV/USP

Gender and Politics
Organisation: Fast Food da Política (guest)

Refugees’ Cup
Organisation: Copa dos Refugiados (guest)

Workshop: Embroidering the Future
Org: Fundação Pedro Jorge (guest)


Short documentary film

Origins: lives scarred by bars
Resp: Giovanna Figueiredo | Mogi das Cruzes University

Alone – Relationships on the streets
Resp: Vinícius Lima | SP Invisível

Lacry: Stories of a Toppling Generation
Resp: Mayara de Lima Nunes | São Judas Tadeu University

Agência Pública – Video Reports
Resp: Marina Dias | Agência Pública

14º Mobile Film Festival/Stand up for Human Rights
Resp: Mobile Film Festival (guest)


Visual Memory: scenes of a blind state
Resp: Sergio Silva and Tadeu Breda (guest)


Data on Narratives concerning Violence against Black Women: an analysis of news coverage by the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper and content produced by Portal Geledés
Resp: Agnes Sofia Cruz | UNESP-Bauru

State Commission for the Prevention of Violence in the countryside and in the city
Resp: Isabela Reis | COECV

We are all Maré! We have Rights
Resp: Lidiane Malanquini | Redes da Maré

Reporter of the Future Project
Resp: Cristina Cavalcanti | Oboré (guest)


Civil accountability for domestic violence – a victim’s right to reparation
Resp: Bruna Di Fátima | UNEB – Bahia State University

Hair, self-esteem and identity construction of black girls at school: Ensino Fundamental II
Resp: Eliana Cristo de Oliveira | Clube Juvenil Naturalmente Cacheada

Lethal violence among children and youths and the right to life: the experience of the PPCAAM in the state of Minas Gerais
Resp: Isabela de Siqueira Barbosa | USP – Riberão Preto

Committee for Facing Violence
Resp: Thiago Schindler | Núcleo Espiral


Podcast Points of View
Resp: Aline Hack Moreira

Kicking Away the Ladder
Resp: Geraldo Nagib Zahran Filho

Emotional politics: building a plurality map of São Paulo
Resp: Isadora Figueiredo Pinheiro | As Cidadelas

Language and culture classes with refugee teachers
Resp: Mariana Garbelini | Abraço Cultural

It happens at school
Resp: Karol Coelho | Agência Mural de Jornalismo das Periferias (guest)

Sur – International Human Rights Magazine
Resp: Mary Grisales | Conectas Human Rights (guest)


Femicide: foreseen deaths
Resp: Laleska Diniz Santos | PUC-SP

The destitute: The state that buries without informing
Resp: Maria Vitória Ramos | Faculdade Cásper Líbero and Victoria Pires Hablich Gonçalves

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